Home / The Gingerbread Man - 8. Januar 2023
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Liebe Kinder, liebe Eltern,
während der Adventszeit haben wir in Englisch das Thema “Christmas” behandelt und passend dazu die Geschichte “The Gingerbread Man” gelesen. Die Geschichte kam bei allen Kindern so gut an, dass unser Künstler Abdullah aus der Seehundklasse (3a) die gesamte Geschichte nachgemalt hat.
Dies wollten wir euch nicht vorenthalten und mit euch teilen 🙂
The Gingerbread Man
One day an old woman made a gingerbread man.
She put him in the oven.
The old woman was hungry.
When the gingerbread man was ready, he jumped out of the oven and said:
“Don’t eat me! Don’t eat me!”
And he ran out of the house …
The old woman ran after the gingerbread man.
“Stop! Stop!”, shouted the old woman. “I want to eat you!”
The gingerbread man didn’t stop.
He said: “Run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!”
Then the gingerbread man met a pig.
The pig was hungry.
The pig said: “Stop! Stop! I want to eat you!”
But the gingerbread man didn’t stop.
He said: “Run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!”
So the pig ran after the old woman, and the old woman ran after the gingerbread man.
But the gingerbread man was too fast.
He laughed and laughed: “Hahaha!”
Then the gingerbread man met a cow.
The cow was hungry.
The cow said: “Stop! Stop! I want to eat you!”
But the gingerbread man didn’t stop.
He said: “Run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!”
So the cow ran after the pig, the pig ran after the old woman, and the old woman ran after the gingerbread man.
But the gingerbread man was too fast.
He laughed and laughed: “Hahaha!”
Then the gingerbread man met a horse.
The horse was hungry.
The horse said: “Stop! Stop! I want to eat you!”
But the gingerbread man didn’t stop.
He said: “Run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!”
So the horse ran after the cow, the cow ran after the pig, the pig ran after the old woman, and the old woman ran after the gingerbread man.
But the gingerbread man was too fast.
He laughed and laughed: “Hahaha!”
Then the gingerbread man came to a river.
“Oh no!” he cried. “They will catch me! How can I cross the river?”
A fox heard the gingerbread man.
“I can help you cross the river!” said the fox.
“Jump on my back and I will swim across the river.”
So the fox swam across the river.
But the gingerbread man got wet.
He started to melt.
“Jump on my head!” said the fox.
But the gingerbread man got wet and wetter.
He melted more and more.
“Jump on my nose!” said the fox.
When they reached the other side of the river, the fox threw the gingerbread man up in the air.
He opened his mouth and – SNAP!
That was the end of the gingerbread man.
Wir hoffen euch hat die Geschichte gefallen! Wer sich die Geschichte noch einmal anschauen möchte, kann dies auf Youtube tun (für weitere Sprachen einfach dort suchen):